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Caduet Lawsuit

Caduet Lawsuit

A Brief Guide to Filing a Caduet Lawsuit:

Famous Caduet Lawsuits:

The prescription medication Caduet combines the active ingredients in the medications Lipitor and Norvasc. Three years after its introduction to the market in 2004, manufacturer Pfizer was involved in a high-profile Caduet lawsuit concerning a generic version of the drug.

The Caduet lawsuit in question was between Pfizer and the company Ranbaxy. Pfizer claimed that manufacturing a generic Caduet dosage would constitute an infringement of its active ingredients. This Caduet lawsuit ultimately resulted in an agreement permitting Ranbaxy to proceed with its plans.

Litigation concerning Caduet side effects has not been noted. Though there are some serious potential consequences accompanying treatment the drug, the FDA has not concluded that these justify the institution of warning labels or recalls.

Caduet Medical Description:

When approved in 2004, Caduet was the first drug to treat two different conditions—high cholesterol and high blood pressure—in one pill.

Developed by Pfizer, the drug contains both an amlodipine besylate (Norvsac) for the treatment of high blood pressure and atorvastatin calcium (Lipitor) to combat high cholesterol. Caduet, when released, aimed to fight the primary killer of Americans—heart disease (approximately 30 million Americans have both high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Patients suffering from both face a greater risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack than people who only struggle with one of the indicators. When released, initial clinical trials (conducted with 3,700 patients) revealed great efficiency with minimal side effects.

Caduet Side Effects:

The majority of side effects associated with Caduet dosages are not serious; headaches, dizziness and diarrhea are the most common Caduet side effects. These reactions should be reported to your physician; however, unless persistent or particularly intense, they do not necessitate legal action.

Prescription of Caduet will not be administered to patients with liver problems or to women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. To guard against potential Caduet side effects, your physician may perform a test of your liver function before initiating treatment.

Other Caduet side effects include: muscle soreness, dizziness and the presence of dark urine. These are regarded as rare Caduet side effects and if untreated could lead to serious ailments such as kidney failure.

Such rare incidents have not yet led to significant Caduet lawsuits. The ability to obtain compensation relating to serious Caduet side effects may therefore be difficult. Before pursuing a Caduet lawsuit, you should report any adverse effects not noted in prescription information to the FDA. Your case will be taken into consideration if there is a review concerning the safety of treatment via Caduet dosage.

Caduet and the FDA:

The United States Food and Drug Administration issued to following warning concerning Caduet use on July 12 2012:

• Before taking Caduet it is recommended that liver enxyme testes be attained; such tests are recommended because of rare post marketing reports of non-fatal and fatal hepatic failure in patients using Caduet. If serious liver damage, hyperbilirubinemia or jaundice occurs during treatment, prompt interruption of therapy is required.

• Adverse reactions to Caduet include edema, palpitations, flushing, dizziness and somnolence


1. United States Food and Drug Administration Safety Report retrieved from:


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